Book Title: New Faculty Guidebook for Tenure Track, Lecturer, and Head Coach Faculty

Subtitle: 2024-2025

Author: Office of the Dean of the Faculty

Cover image for New Faculty Guidebook for Tenure Track, Lecturer, and Head Coach Faculty

Book Description: Welcome to Connecticut College! We have prepared this New Faculty Guidebook to assist you in navigating our college campus and community. Thank you to colleagues across campus for providing updated information on their offices, programs and staff for this guidebook. Special thank you to Ariela McCaffrey, Assistant Director of Research Support, for transferring the guidebook into Pressbooks. For any questions or concerns about the information in this guidebook please contact Deborah Eastman, Associate Dean of Faculty (

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Book Information


Office of the Dean of the Faculty


New Faculty Guidebook for Tenure Track, Lecturer, and Head Coach Faculty Copyright © 2023 by Office of the Dean of the Faculty. All Rights Reserved.


New Faculty Guidebook for Tenure Track, Lecturer, and Head Coach Faculty
Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Publication Date
August 11, 2023