2 Information about Connecticut College

Connecticut College Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the land we currently occupy and honor the Native peoples who were its first inhabitants. Specifically, we honor the Mashantucket Pequots, Eastern Pequots, Mohegans, and other Native nations who are indigenous to Nameaug, now called New London, and the land surrounding Coastal Algonquin, also known as the “Long Island Sound Region.” We acknowledge that indigenous peoples have cared for this land over many generations and know that they endured suffering and violence through the historical period of settler colonialism and its legacy. Today, we strive to tell and retell the complete stories, to repair the harm, and to live together as neighbors in this region.

History of Connecticut College

The College was founded in 1911, but its history began in 1909 when Wesleyan University announced that it would no longer offer admission to women. At that time, more women than ever were seeking higher education and demanding the right to vote. A committee was formed, and towns across the state of Connecticut began offering prospective sites.

A New London hilltop, later described as “the finest college site in the world,” was the committee’s first choice, and they asked New London to raise $100,000 to ensure that their proposal would succeed. A 10-day fundraising campaign exceeded the goal by $35,000. Nearly a third of the inhabitants of the city and the surrounding communities contributed, including many children, along with virtually every business and organization.


Official opening of Connecticut College, Oct. 9, 1915

A board of incorporators petitioned the State of Connecticut for a charter, which was granted in April 1911. The incorporators became the board of trustees, whose first responsibilities were to appoint a president and a campus architect. As it prepared to make these decisions, the board learned with some astonishment that its chairman, Morton Plant, was giving $1 million for an endowment. The future of the College—Connecticut College for Women—was assured. From then until 1969, when it shortened its name to Connecticut College and became a coeducational institution, it earned a strong reputation for itself as a premier women’s college. As early as 1924, when it first became accredited by the top accrediting group, the Association of American Colleges, it was admitted to the association’s list of two hundred leading colleges out of 1,300 in the nation.

Today, Connecticut College is a thriving private, coeducational liberal arts college known for the extraordinary students who are attracted here by rigorous academics and a comprehensive residential life program, as well as the diverse opportunities to explore their interests through funded internships, community service or international study. More information on our history and traditions can be found here.

Our Campus








The Connecticut College campus spans 750 acres overlooking the Long Island Sound and Thames River. At the center of campus are Temple Green, Shain Library, Crozier Williams Student Center, and Blaustein, with many academic and administrative buildings, dorms and outdoor spaces around the perimeter. Recent revitalization projects include The Athey Center for Performance and Research at Palmer Auditorium and the Kohn Waterfront. A new downtown New London student residence, Manwaring Apartments, opened in Fall 2022.


Academic Buildings

The College’s Academic Buildings are each as varied and unique as the departments they house. If you would like information on building locations across campus please see the most recent Campus Maps. Information about activities and occupants for Academic Buildings on campus can be found here.



The Connecticut College campus exists in a singular environment known as the Connecticut College Arboretum, which offers a quality of life and a conservation classroom unique among liberal arts institutions. The Arboretum provides a welcome connection with the natural world, offering opportunities for teaching, research, conservation, public education and recreation. The Arboretum’s diverse 750 acres include the landscaped grounds of the College campus, the Native Plant Collection (across Williams Street), the Caroline Black Garden (across Route 32) as well as the surrounding natural areas and managed landscapes. These resources all support the College’s mission of preparing the next generation of citizen-leaders, whose diverse responsibilities will include crafting a sustainable relationship with the natural world. Our institution distinguishes itself by a long-standing commitment to conservation and supporting research and teaching in ecological and environmental studies. All of the College property is available for teaching and research in environmental studies, the biological sciences and other academic programs. The Arboretum is open to the public every day from sunrise to sunset. Interactive maps, extensive research documentation, publications, and public programs are available at the Arboretum office, which is located at 33 Gallows Lane and at arboretum.conncoll.edu. Please contact the Arboretum office at arbor@conncoll.edu to schedule a visit or learn more.


Our Students

In Fall 2023, Connecticut College enrolled 1,995 students (1,959 full-time and 36 part-time undergraduates), 61% female and 39% male. Using the federal government’s race/ethnicity categories, Connecticut College’s Fall 2023 full-time undergraduate population was 24% U.S. BIPOC (12% Hispanic, 4% Black/African American, 4% Asian, and 4% multiracial), 69% white students, 6% international students (of any race), and 2% who did not report their race. Together, U.S. and international BIPOC students constitute 28% of full-time undergraduates—the largest proportion in the College’s history.


Based on home addresses on file with the College, the most common home states of current full-time U.S. students are Massachusetts (26% of U.S. students), New York (16%), Connecticut (14%), and New Jersey and California (5% each). Based on home address, the most common home countries of our international students are Vietnam (18 students), Canada (11), China and the United Kingdom (7 each), and Pakistan (6).

(Excerpt from the 2023-24 Connecticut College Academic Fact Sheet compiled by Compiled by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning)

For more information on our students, including financial aid, majors and minors, certificate programs and integrative pathways, student research and creative work, career enhancing experiences, study away, retention and graduation rates, and alumni, please view the full 23-24 Academic Fact Sheet as well as Academic Fact Sheets from previous years here).


Our Faculty

Connecticut College faculty are dedicated teachers, productive scholars and engaged community members. Please see the list of current faculty and their profiles here. You can also find faculty profiles within each department/program webpage. The College currently has a 9.4-to-1 student-faculty ratio, based on 187 full-time and 67 part-time faculty members. By gender, 51% of full-time faculty members are female and 49% are male. Using federal race/ethnicity categories, our Fall 2023 full-time faculty is over 22% U.S. BIPOC (11% Asian, 7% Hispanic, and 5% Black/African American), 70% white, and 7% non-U.S. citizens (of any race). Together, U.S. and international BIPOC faculty constitute 28% of full-time faculty members; as with students, this is the largest proportion in the College’s history. In terms of academic training, 96% of full-time faculty members hold a PhD or other terminal degree (such as an MFA). Of the 187 full-time faculty, 111 (59%) are tenured, 42 (22%) are untenured and on the tenure track, 12 (6%) are continuing faculty members not on the tenure track (e.g., lecturers and senior lecturers), and 22 (12%) are visiting faculty members not on the tenure track. Women account for about 49%, 53%, and 67% of tenured, untenured, and continuing non-tenure-track faculty members, respectively. By division, Fall 2023 full-time faculty are 35% in social sciences departments, 27% in humanities, 25% in natural sciences and mathematics, and 13% in the visual and performing arts.

(Excerpt from the 2023-24 Connecticut College Academic Fact Sheet compiled by Compiled by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning; please view the full 23-24 and previous Academic Fact Sheets here).


2023-24 Faculty Awardees

Clockwise from top left: Maria Cruz-Saco, Joanne Toor Cummings ’50 Professor of Economics, Nancy Batson Nisbet Rash Faculty Award for Excellence in Research;  Mónika López-Anuarbe, Associate Professor of Economics, John S. King Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching; Rashelle Litchmore, Assistant Professor of Human Development, Helen Mulvey Faculty Award for Fostering Student Achievement; Derek Turner, Class of ’43 Professor of Philosophy, Helen B. Regan Faculty Award for Excellence in Leadership.


2022-23 Faculty Awardees



 Clockwise from top left: Ayako Takamori, Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages, Helen Mulvey Faculty Award; Nina Martin, Associate Professor of Film Studies, John S. King Memorial Teaching Award; Sufia Uddin, Professor of Anthropology and Religious Studies, Helen B. Regan Faculty Leadership Award; Jeff Moher, Associate Professor of Psychology, Nancy Batson Nisbet Rash Research Award.

Our Curriculum

We offer a wide variety of courses for students to choose from through their academic major(s)/minor(s), general education requirements and electives. Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree at Connecticut College include 128 semester hours of academic credit distributed among general education, elective courses and the academic major. There are currently 46 Majors and 49 Minors and with faculty approval students may also pursue a self-designed major. Students must declare a major by the end of their second year.


Connections is our general education program, wimagehich begins with a First Year Seminar (FYS) in the first year and a ConnCourse in the first two years. FYS courses are designated Writing courses and instructors serve as the students’ pre-major advisor. In ConnCourses students connect areas of the liberal arts and explore different modes of thinking. ConnCourses cultivate and encourage an integrative approach to learning and problem-solving. IStudents must take two semesters of a language, two Writing courses and two Social Difference and Power designated courses sometime during their course of study. Finally, students must take courses across multiple disciplines and can choose to do this through an Interdisciplinary Academic Center/Certificate Program, an Integrative Pathway, or courses in five different Modes of Inquiry.

The Honor Code

The Honor Code is the cornerstone of the Connecticut College experience, and students are expected to uphold academic excellence, maintain high community standards, and practice responsible citizenship that ultimately protects the core principles of our College. With the privilege of having a diverse student body, students should be able to interact and learn from each other in ways that uphold community respect and personal freedom.

Instituted in 1924, the Honor Code is a system based on trust and mutual respect. The honor system at Connecticut College is unique in that it is upheld and presided over by a student-governed conduct process known as the Honor Council. Because students take the Honor Code very seriously, there is a strong trust between students, faculty, and the administration. The Honor Code sets the tone for campus life and acts as a philosophy to live by through demonstrating a commitment to personal participation in improving the quality of life in our community.

During orientation, this honor system is thoroughly explained to new students. When students matriculate, they pledge to adhere to the Connecticut College Honor Code by formally signing the Connecticut College matriculation pledge:

I accept membership into Connecticut College, a community committed to cultural and intellectual diversity. I understand my obligation to this community under the Honor Code and pledge to uphold standards of behavior governed by honor. I pledge to take responsibility for my beliefs, and to conduct myself with integrity, civility, and the utmost respect for the dignity of all human beings. I pledge that my actions will be thoughtful and ethical and that I will do my best to instill a sense of responsibility in those among us who falter.

Suggested Language for Course Syllabus

“Academic integrity is of the utmost importance in maintaining the high standards of scholarship in our community. Academic dishonesty is considered to be a serious offense against the community and represents a significant breach of trust between the professor, the classmates, and the student. There are many forms of academic dishonesty including plagiarism, submitting the same work in two courses without prior approval, unauthorized discussion, collaboration, or distribution of exams or assignments, and offering or receiving unauthorized aid on exams or graded assignments. Students violating the Honor Code may be referred to the College’s Honor Council for resolution.”

Honor Pledge

On all exams, tests and quizzes taken at Connecticut College, students are required, as part of their adherence to the Honor Code, to write out the Connecticut College Honor Pledge: “I promise not to give or receive aid on this exam.” It is signed by the student. It is an outward indication of a student’s pledge to work on his/her honor.

Please see answers to Faculty FAQs on the Honor Code here.


Sarah Cardwell, Senior Associate Dean of Student Life at x2839 or scardwel@conncoll.edu.

Faculty Governance

Faculty Handbook/Information for Faculty (IFF)

The faculty handbook, Policies and Procedures: Information for Faculty, Administrators, and Trustees,” (this link is also found in the Office of the Dean of Faculty Moodle site in Moodle Campus) spells out the College’s policies and procedures relating to faculty responsibilities, privileges and benefits and describes shared governance. It also includes the bylaws and rules relating to faculty organization and describes the committee, departmental and program structures at the College, as well as the structure and responsibilities of the board of trustees. You may be wondering why it’s called, “IFF.” Before a major revision some years ago, its title was simply, Information for Faculty (IFF).

At the end of each section in IFF is a description of how portions of that section can be amended: some policies and procedures are under the purview of the board of trustees, while most can be amended by the faculty. Much of what you will find in this book is faculty legislation, which is generally crafted by the committee called the Faculty Steering and Conference Committee (FSCC). Each piece of legislation written by FSCC and other committees is presented to the faculty as a whole at a faculty meeting where it may be discussed in preparation for a vote at the next meeting.

Standards for Teaching, Scholarship and Creative Achievement in the Arts, and Service are found in IFF 1.4.2, as is the Tenure Philosophy and related Policy. Policies and Procedures for reappointment, tenure and promotion are also found in this section. Your department chair will meet with you annually during your probationary period and will serve as a resource for any questions you have during the process.

If you have any questions about the contents of IFF, don’t hesitate to contact the Associate Dean or Dean of the Faculty.

Faculty Meetings

Faculty meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month 11:50-1:05 during the Fall and Spring semesters. September, October and May meetings are held in person in Cro 1962 room and all other meetings are on Zoom. Please see the Pink Sheet for Zoom links and the Current Faculty Meeting Moodle site (in Campus Moodle) for voting during remote meetings. On the Monday prior to the faculty meeting, the meeting agenda, proposed legislation, and other materials are shared with all faculty via email by the Secretary to the Faculty, Amanda Barnes. All continuing faculty are expected to attend, unless they are on sabbatical or leave of absence.

Faculty Committees

IFF is your resource for assistance in figuring out the College’s committee structure. Section 5 Faculty Organization: Committees, explains the general functions, jurisdictions and obligations of all standing committees and then describes each one. Three major committees that you will often hear referred to are the Faculty Steering and Conference Committee (FSCC), the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT), and the Priorities, Planning and Budget Committee (PPBC). FSCC is the lead faculty committee, with responsibilities for charging many of the other committees. FSCC and CAPT are staffed only with faculty members, whereas the PPBC also has student, administrative and staff members. At the end of the fall semester all tenured, tenure-track, lecturers and continuing-part-time faculty are asked which elected committees they are willing to serve for the upcoming year.. Visiting and adjunct faculty are not eligible to stand for committee election, however they may be appointed by FSCC as short-term replacements. Current year committee rosters are posted to the Dean of Faculty Moodle site on CamelWeb.

Shared Governance and Academic Freedom

The principles of Shared Governance are central to the College’s mission. Section 1.1 of Policies and Procedures states: “The Board of Trustees, the faculty, and the administration endorse, as the basis of shared governance at Connecticut College, the 1966 Joint Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports), 2001 Edition, pp. 217-223, excluding footnotes (www.aaup.org), reproduced in Appendix A.” The Shared Governance Covenant is signed each year by the President of the College, the Student Government Association (SGA) President, the FSSC chair, and the Staff Council Chair.

The College’s commitment to academic freedom is codified in IFF Section 1.2: “The Board of Trustees in February 1950, endorsed the document of the American Association of University Professors on academic freedom, the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, 2015 edition, pp. 13–19) (www.aaup.org), reproduced in Appendix B.


New Faculty Guidebook for Tenure Track, Teaching, and Head Coach Faculty Copyright © 2023 by Office of the Dean of the Faculty. All Rights Reserved.

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